joi, 6 septembrie 2012

Hotel Brasov

Hotel Brasov

Some hotels in Brasov

Below, there is a list of some hotels in Brasov added on site.
  • Hotel Brasov
  • Hotel Predeal Ski-Sky***
  • Hotelul Diana

To view Brasov hotels

If you want to get contact information about some Brasov hotels added on the site you have to follow the next steps:
      1. Click here to see site;
      2. Select the language to get a short description of the hotels in the selected language(Romanian Language - click on Romanian flag, English Language - click on UK flag);
      3. Click on the link Last Ads;
      4. Select the field District (for example District = Brasov).
      5. Select the field Categoria with the value Tourism
      6. Select the field Subcategoria with the value Hotels
      7. Click on the button Search and get o list with all the hotels added in Brasov
      8. Click on any hotel from the result list to see the contact information
If you select a different district and store selected category and subcategory fields then get a list of all hotels in that county who were registered on the site

miercuri, 5 septembrie 2012


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